Get to Know Me
I grew up in Puerto Rico but lived in Orlando for almost 30 years. My joy — as a physician, teacher and volunteer — is helping children grow up healthy to pursue their dreams. To support that, I have gone on many medical and educational missions in this country and around the world, as I believe children are the foundation for our future.
Why I Treat Children
My interests are focused on children and their families. In my professional life, it means seeing my patients through a lens of safety as they have surgery. As a volunteer, it means supporting and participating in medical missions and as a teacher, teaching medical providers who will care for children after our mission trip ends. I’ve been on missions to Africa, Haiti, Latin America, rural Europe and the United States.
What I'm Passionate About
I want to help as many parents as I can so they feel informed, empowered and reassured in case their child ever needs surgery and anesthesia. Both of my children have had surgeries, so I understand what it’s like from a parent’s point of view. By conducting pre-surgery hospital tours and making group presentations out in the community, I try to educate families on the many safe and effective choices anesthesiologists have today.When I’m not at the hospital, I am a film enthusiast and I am involved in not-for-profit national organizations that help young, independent filmmakers and actors bring their work to reality and bring films with powerful messages to Florida audiences.
How I Try to Make A Difference
Children today are intelligent and informed. They do research online and come to me with challenging questions. I believe in answering them as directly as possible, in language that is appropriate for their age. Even young children feel less anxiety and are more likely to engage and cooperate with their anesthesia plan and their recovery if you take the time to listen and educate.